While nothing really amazing happened last week I will say it was one of the first times in a while that despite nothing happening I was still quite happy. As much as I love the winter and snow after months of it my situational depression doesn't. I mean it hasn't been really sunny on a consistent basis yet but the snow is 90% gone in most areas, so being able to actually go outside more often has been a slight mood lifter in itself.
I've been asking my boss about the probability of a promotion. I'd get a pay raise and slightly better hours...about 30ish on a good week. But if one came up I'd likely have to be transfered and I really, really like working for my current manager and ASM. I haven't had this kind of luck with jobs ever, and I've had a job every year since I was 13. So I figure until one comes up at my store, which might be this Christmas, I'm going to stick with looking for a second job. I'd rather not take my chances and lose one job I actually like for one that I'll hate just because the second one might be full-time over having 2 part-time jobs.
Class has really been the source of my doodles lately. I have this pair in front of me that constantly flirt the whole class period. It's got to be the most annoying thing ever. I mean really, I thought this stuff was for high school...in the movies, not real life. This is a more advanced psychology class we're in. Do the little brats in the US these days really care that little for their education now? I guess the pretty boy next to her who will obviously cheat on her with the blonde bimbo a few seats over, or the sickly-thin girly girl who clearly cares more about her image and how much make-up is on her face is more important now than their education. No wonder the professor said most of the first exams were below a 60/100. I feel sorry for the teachers like mine who actually care that their students learn something.
Anyways, here are some fun drawings I did from class last week and yesterday. The one below the doodle of the two kids flirting is that one girl I mentioned, who sat behind me before I moved, who repeated literally everything the teacher said in mumbles that I could still hear. Damn, that was more distracting than the flirty ones.
So anyways the rest here are just quick things I drew to remember a few things I thought were more important. For most of my class I listen in while I doodle. I record everything with my computer and listen to it more intently later, far from the distractions of the class setting. :)
Edit: So at the time I wrote this all up it was before I went to work. When I got out I realized the rain had become so cold it became ice and now there's ice everywhere. :/ Man, Spring can't come soon enough.