Monday, August 20, 2012


So yeah I know it's been a little over 2 weeks but at least I'm being consistent since last time had also been about 2 weeks. :P Baby steps. I would have maybe posted within the first week but my depression decided to hit at the exact same time as my time of the month, so mood swings were a nightmare. I was an angry little cactus all that week and all the next week too. Didn't help that I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone, so I spent most of it in my room when I wasn't at work or class.

Luckily I managed to work through it myself. I suppose talking to someone might have helped but I've been more hesitant in the past few months about getting close to people like that. When it becomes a problem I'll deal with it then. :P
Speaking of work, I've been getting busy it more too. Might get a transfer again to a busier location. Not sure how I feel about it yet or if I'll take it. The location is in complete disarray. I know my cleaning abilities would be appreciated most there but it's also in a crappier area. But I'll get more hours and pay. Just not sure how much my sanity is worth yet.
I changed my hair! Currently sporting my natural brown color and I have bangs now. I've received all positive reactions so I think they'll stay for a while. I'm really happy with them, though it's weird since I haven't had bangs since high school. They do make me feel more smexy though, and that's what's important right? XD
My social life has also been demanding attention. Been meeting a lot of people off this dating site I've been on; not really for dating or relationships but for expanding my friend base and network. So far I've made a couple of really great friends off there. What's interesting is I'm able to see who visits my profile and since I've posted a new picture of my bangs I've been getting popular to the point of amusing. Used to be 20-30 visitors...
Obviously I've also gone on a few dates. Some of the guys are nice but since I'm not looking for a relationship from anyone I don't really see them as more than good friends right now. Luckily I was smart and specified what I was looking for in my profile, so they do know this. Most of them are also just looking for friendships too, but a few you can still tell are hoping for more. It is what it is I guess. Not much I can do about it.
Regardless I had an interesting day last Friday. The day started with my co-worker calling me saying he can't get into the store. So I travel down there to find my keys don't work either. We spent the next 2 hours with a locksmith breaking into our store by drilling out the lock's core. It was amusing. I got home with enough time to shower and leave for a date. Date went fine. He was pretty cool and turns out he's also doing the Insanity program too, so we had stuff to talk about. It was on the way back to our cars, however, that I realized I didn't have my keys...
While I wasn't very happy to see that my day was just becoming filled with me breaking into things I have to say that a man gets major points when he can jimmy into my car with just a coat hanger and screwdriver. Lol! My keys were returned safe and sound.
Aside from that, which was still fun and makes for a grand adventure story later, I enjoyed myself. I then went out with a different guy to my very first Irish Fest, a few days later. That was tons of fun. We explored, saw my friend Dante, ate shepherd's pie, drank mead, I found a pendant of my Scottish clan, and he got me a mood ring. :D Now he texts me occasionally to ask me what color I am. :) In case you're wondering I'm currently dark purple, which supposedly means very happy.
At the beginning of the previous week, before all this, I went to a going away party for one of my great friends Tati. At the end of last week I went out with some good work friends to the bar, and my friend Miri joined me since she's moving soon and we needed to hang out. As you can see my time has been busy-busy. @_@ I was most pleased to have a day to myself today, after my cleaning was done first...though Ben did not help make things easier.
Currently we're all watching random stuff for our weekly movie/anime night. Tonight has been filled with Conan, Expendables, How to Train Your Dragon, and Tintin. :)  My head hurts though cause I ran up the stairs at one point and tripped right at the top. My forehead hit the edge of the wooden stair and now I have a bruise and huge bump there. :(  Good thing the bangs cover it up....another good use for them.  At one point I was trying to figure out a rubix cube but I gave up after getting one side, and apparently Ben said I was making weird concentration noises.

I've got nothing else, but here are a few extra pictures again; starting with Miri and I: 

Ben on the couch....which I'm convinced is his second home:

Sachi playing with Beast by hiding under the coffee table and then hissing and swatting at him as he passes:

and Beast sleeping on my head...something he does every night:

Friday, August 3, 2012

We need whiskey

So the other night I was woken up by my 3:44am. It was the most unpleasant thing I think I've ever woken up to. It took a good few seconds to even register that the sounds I was hearing was actually that. And of course I had to strip the top sheet and drag it to the bathroom, wash it off, and hang it to dry till I could fully wash it later. Then I had to cuddle under the small brown blanket I'm borrowing from Stan, which wasn't the same because it's smaller.

Earlier in the week Stan and Walter had some friends over. They played a game of Hearts, which I have to say was highly entertaining for me as the observer.
I must say I'm super duper thrilled with my new scanner. Exhubby owned the last one I used, so naturally he took it when he moved out. :(  But it's ok! I ended up getting a much nicer and newer version of his recently, and it's just awesome. I actually got it because a while back my GPS Susu (yes I name my electronics) died on me. Luckily I had a warranty with Best Buy for it and took it in for a replacement. Turns out they didn't have my model in stock or the comparable one. But then Ben pointed out I didn't have to use the $500 on a new GPS. In fact I could use it for a smartphone, which I'd been pining for, for quite some time now. So I caved and finally, finally upgraded to my very first smartphone! ...and I LOVE it. I have no idea why I went so long without one. Damn thing is like crack...not that I would know what that's like, but still. His name is Vic. :) I went with the new Droid Incredible 2, or something. All I know is it's awesome and I love it so. And it was nowhere near $500 so I got to keep all the leftover after the phone and warranty and what not. So I used it to buy my new scanner and some Archer DVDs. Go me.

Later in the week I went out with friends and accidentally shared a 3lb alcoholic ice cream drink with someone. The concept sounds awesome until they bring it to you and then halfway through it you suddenly remember you're lactose intolerant and forgot any pills you could take to minimize the damage. Lol. Yeah. I spent the next day or so regretting my decision. I can usually have some, but I have to be careful how much I have in a given time. :( Which sucks because I love cheese so much.
I was hoping to go running the next day. Brain wanted to, but stomach overruled the decision that day.

Speaking of alcohol the boys went and got more the other day. We already have a lot but apparently were out of the important ones, including whiskey. Lol. My dad is a big whiskey aficionado so I sometimes come off as a bit elitist about the stuff. I don't mean to. :P
Poor Stan.

Oh oh, that's right. So 4 weeks ago I damaged my leg in softball, sliding onto base. It started out with my ankle and then over the course of the next few weeks it got worse and worse each time I slid. I thought maybe I was doing it wrong, until the 3rd time/week a team member pointed out that I was doing it right but I didn't have any knee socks for protection.....derp. So I finally got some but not before the damage made my leg look like a monster ate it. My workmates said it could have passed as a zombie leg. Lol. I thought the monster concept was cuter....and less...brainy.
It's looking a lot better now. It'll scar, but now I'll have a good story for it.

So that's all I have for now. The past 2 weeks were alright. I'll leave with a few extra pictures though. The first one is a picture of me, drawn by my friend Dante.
I made her sign it incase she gets famous. :)

The last 2 were ones I couldn't think of a good story for. They're of Ben and me.