Turns out, the cleaning of the new apt took way longer than one weekend. It actually took a week and a half. :O That was way longer than what we expected. Add it to school-work, jobs, and extra-curricular activities like me being on the school paper's staff, and you have a very busy me. Not that I mind it. I'm happier than I have been in a while, and would take this over "too much free time" any day.
In any case, I had to put a lot on hold to get those priorities done. This included play time on WoW with my guild's raiding, blog updates, and other similar things. But things have begun to slowly settle. The apt is now looking and smelling livable, I have a desk again, and I can finally focus some time on my free-time activities.
The paper has been doing really well and I've picked up a few very good articles. The most recent one I'm working on will be very exciting for me because my city's local paper attacked my college, claiming that we're headed for a financial crisis. So I'm taking their info, and tons of more info on top of it, to write up a more accurate article about what's really going on. It's going to be awesome. :) I've had lots of interviews on it, including ones with the president of the college and the president of the teacher's union (because the paper also attacked teacher's salaries as well). I'll need to figure out how to post up text docs so those interested can read my stuff.
As promised I have some doodles. Since I have located the box with the scanner, I have been able to start uploading them again. :) Below is a picture of the toilet I mentioned, in the apt, that would have bitten my ass off if I used it before cleaning it. Now that sucker has been bleached and scrubbed squeaky clean! So he's a very happy toilet. :D
Besides all that, I have been having more trouble with my psych teacher every day. She is consistently 10min late for every single class. Now some days she's only 5min late, and other days like today she is 15min late. But no matter what she is always late. To top it off we usually get out early....30min early on some days. So a class that's supposed to be 1.5hrs is actually only 40min on most days. I'm complaining about that, cause I'm not going to pay almost $500 for a class I feel cheated out on. Besides the lateness she speeds through the material. I don't mean simply fast....no I mean super fucking fast....as in I can't write down all the information she throws at us. She also skips lots of slides, so we completely miss that info too. I even asked her after class one day if she would email me the slides so I could copy the information down. Her response was "Oh I don't give out my slides." Ok, well I'm not sure what's so important about them but I was informed that I could go online and get other slides, with pretty much the same material but it's all presented in a different way. Well...that doesn't help me. I want her slides, the ones she actually shows me in class, so I know for sure I'm reviewing the material she wants me to review.
When I finally got my doctor's documentation to request for extra time on exams (yes!!) the student accommodations office asked if I would like a "notetaker" to come to class with me. This actual person would take notes for me, if I could not. This is usually reserved for someone who physically can't write, but in any case....I declined because I told them the notetaker would have the same problem I'm having, not enough time to get the info.
Here's the funny thing. You'd think speeding through the chapter reviews (which should be detailed reviews on the chapters the students read prior to the class) would make you ahead in material. Nope. She's actually behind in the material. Gee...I wonder if showing up late and letting us out early has anything to do with that...
I mean, if all she wants is for us to do is read the damn book, then what's the point of her lectures? If she speeds through material, refuses to go back to previous slides, doesn't offer the slides for later use, is late to class every day, and seems just plain disinterested in the class learning from her over the book...then why not just tell us to read the book during class instead? In fact, I wouldn't even go to class if she didn't count it as an attendance point! I would just go to the library and read the book during that time, because I get way more out of that than I do from her "lectures".
Don't worry, I plan on complaining either this week or first thing next week...depending on when I can sit down and type out all the shit she does that I think is cheating me out of my education. Until then I've resorted to other methods to help, like recording and stuff. Before that happened, though, I had pretty much given up taking notes in class. So I just showed up to class and then just doodled. Luckily the result is that you get a few fun drawings :)
As another plus, I've finally finished the new header image! :D I think it's pretty spiffy.