So my sickness is progressively getting worse. I'm doing everything I can to lessen it's severity, but it seems like I just have to ride it out. I feel so blah, lol.
I've decided to blame school for my illness, instead of Hubby. It doesn't make sense at first, but I have a very convincing argument. See, back in my undergrad college years I got sick and had a lot of accidents. Don't ask me why cause I don't know. I went to the ER and Urgent Care Center probably more times in those 4yrs than a French man went to the whore house...(no offense to any French people, it's just a figure of speech)
To give you an idea, my sophomore year, I rang in the new year (on MLK Day actually) by sledding at top speed and flying off of the sled. I was actually trying to prevent myself from ramming into the tree that was in front of me but instead of turning, when I put my foot out, the ground yanked me off and I went rolling down the hill like a rag doll. I had my first ever ambulance ride that afternoon and many X-Rays for concussions and possible head/brain damage.
Throughout that year I got sick and had to go to the Urgent Care Center, for various illnesses that just wouldn't go away on their own or with any of my attempts. Now, when a normal person get's sick it's usually no big deal if it's a cold or flu. Oh no, not me. Anything that was normal for someone else just seemed to be amplified in me. I got an upper respiratory infection that spring and had required bed-rest for about 2-3 days before actually being allowed to move around. About halfway through the year I got a bacterial stomach infection. I hope none of you ever experience one of those. I think I would have preferred something like ramming into a tree on a sled at top speed. It was incredibly painful and I spent a night in the hospital on an IV, with lots of pain killers that were awesome.
I got the flu about 2 more times after that, that ended up progressing farther rather than getting better, and strep. Then finally I rang out the new year by slicing off part of my thumb with an exacto knife. No, I wasn't doing anything stupid. I was simply finishing my wood veneer project when my blade hit a nick in the ruler and jumped over and across it. No amount of words can describe what went through my head for the first 3 seconds, except the one word that exited my mouth. I'm amazed my brain kicked in then to make me rush to the shop techs. Several students slowly stopped what they were doing and just stared in shock as my blood pooled up in my hand and on the floor. Eventually we put my hand in a plastic bag and went to the ER. Let me tell you that you've never seen a hospital admit you so fast than when you walk in with a bloodied plastic bag over your hand....well, aside from going in and telling them you're having chest pains....which happened the next year actually, lol.
That type of year was nothing special for me, and my friends got used to getting a call to come pick me up from the hospital. My poor mother also learned to be terrified every time she answered a call from my phone and it was Hubby on the other line (who was Friend, soon to be Boyfriend, at that time). I think she still gets a little twitch in the back of her mind if Hubby ever answers my phone when she calls. :P
As you can see, college was interesting. But when I graduated I lost my health insurance, cause I was no longer a dependent. I originally freaked out because it was the insurance that probably kept my family from going into insane debt. But surprisingly I didn't get sick that following year.....or the year after that, or the one after that. I was sickness and accident free for 3 whole years. This year marked year three, and I've started going back to school again....only to find that the FIRST WEEK that I start classes I get sick. Go figure.
So, while my mother tells me it's really stress, I'm thoroughly convinced that it's really school and that I should just stay the hell away from it.
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