Monday, October 29, 2012

Taking control

Sorry for the lateness. Most of it is actually school related. I unfortunately didn't do very well on my first 2 tests for each of my classes and pretty much began spending all of my free time catching up and studying harder for the next 2. I did great on one and ok on the second, but improvement is improvement so hopefully I keep getting better. Luckily I got an extra 4 days of studying on one, due to the wonderful flu season.
I also had a number of personal things come up that needed to be addressed. While I can't fully go into the details about those things (to be respectful of the others involved) I can at least give a nice image that I think explains quite a bit on how I at least handled my end.

My therapist is really glad that I basically grabbed each situation by the horns and tackled any problems that I could on my own, figured out my plan for what to do, and prepared myself for what I needed...rather that freak out, let anxiety and/or depression take control, or become the below image:
As cute as it is, I think I much prefer the former of the two pictures.

I'm actually getting pretty good now at either knowing what situations I should and shouldn't care about, what should upset me and what I should let roll off my back, and most importantly recognizing the signs of my dysthymic disorder. Basically, I know when it's right to be depressed (someone dies) but it was harder for me to step back and realize that many situations I was in before didn't warrant that reaction (stressors in life like school, job, finances, or relationships). I not only can recognize the signs of when I'm starting to dip back into those "old habits" but I can also step back and realize why I don't need to feel that way, what I can do to change my situation so it either gets better or doesn't happen again, and do things to help reset my brain's chemistry and mood (like running and other exercise). I'm really proud of myself, and while I'd love to take all the credit I have to say 90% was definitely the help of my therapist.

Unfortunately, since I spent most of my time taking care of those situations, and my school work, I didn't leave much planning for blog posts. However, I did keep up some sketching here and there so that when I was able to post again I'd have something. Only thing is, they turned out to be mostly sketches with Husky and I. But hey! Sketches are sketches so here they all are!

My cookie recipe that I've been trying to perfect for months now has finally been completed. As with all my baked goods I tested them on my 3 male roommates and Husky. The result? My roommates have asked me to either not bake as much or give away the goodies before they eat them and then feel bad for it (the calorie count is not pretty), and Husky had this reaction when I last asked him about it:

He got sick while he was visiting me 2 weeks ago so I made sure to take good care of him, and even visited him during the following week to help out some. Was super happy that he prefered tomato soup with water and grilled cheese with Velveeta slices. Those are big point winners with me.

Speaking of point know you have a good girlfriend when she finds the reason below as a good reason to love you for...

Aaaand at the same time you've got a good boyfriend when he does things like this:

The last one is a joke between the two of us. We're so damn alike that we're becoming increasingly convinced he was cloned from me (since I'm older) and that somewhere in the cloning process something was changed, which explains why he came out as a male with just a few differences in likes/dislikes, life path choices, etc. Somehow we got on the topic of biggest pet peeves and apparently he hates Africa about as much as I hate stupid people.
And with that I'm off to bed. I'll do my best to get back on track next week with a more appropriate post, though this one turned out kind of fun too.

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