Tuesday, November 13, 2012

All study and no play...makes for unicorns

 I've been drawing a bit more normally lately. Finally ran out of room in the sketchbook and had to buy another one, so this was the first image I decided to put in it. :)
Pretty proud of it. It was taken from a pic closer to Halloween, since I'm sporting my awesome kitty socks and pumpkin earrings.

Last week I had one of those days where every little thing, that on their own wouldn't normally bother you, kept happening. It was just a bad day. I spilt 2 cups of cheerios in my car, was late for work, didn't feel like I did well on my test, and just didn't seem to feel right at all. I didn't even feel like being nice to the bible people at school.
Luckily it was only one day, and over quickly. For the most part I've been doing pretty well. I've been studying a lot lately. Actually, Husky gave me a few pointers on how to more efficiently study, in regards to my ADHD and OCPD natures of getting so distracted and also trying to get everything perfectly. The help turned out to be fantastic and I've been successfully studying for 2 weeks now! :D I still get a little distracted, which can't be helped, but it's leaps and bounds better than it was before. I'm really happy so I've been trying to stay on task with my homeworks and what not. Apparently, though, we've discovered that not only do I make little noises while concentrating (see a previous post with Ben) but I also make faces while studying...

The only problem so far has been when I try to study on little sleep. Things tend to get interesting. Earlier last week I pulled an all-nighter, which isn't new for me, to get some studying done. After a few hours in the lab (which was the only quiet place I could find) I finally fashioned a bed out of 3 chairs and slept for 3hrs before getting up to study more. Around 5:30am I went home for breakfast and then slept for another 2hrs before studying again.
The second time was with Husky. We went to his workplace, which is awesome and quiet, so he could get some work done while I studied. I didn't get much sleep the night before and after about halfway into the chapter I was having trouble focusing on the pages, which seemed to just get progressively blurrier. After a few more minutes of this my brain could no longer make sense of the book and came up with the only thing it could make sense of before I passed out and slept for the next half hour.
For the most part though I haven't had much trouble.

My favorite highlight of the past week was when I was visiting Husky and got to teach him some dancing. I love dancing and it's so nice to finally be dating someone who's interested in it too. While he's only a beginner he picked up the little that I showed him pretty quickly, and from just that bit I have to say I could have died of happiness right then.

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